

Pep Coll presents his new work

On August 11, the writer Pep Coll presents in the Capdella Hydroelectric Museum at 7.30pm the guide Guia dels indrets mítics i llegendaris del Pallars Jussà, published by Cossetània Edicions.

This guide presents a hundred places where the inhabitants of the Pallars Jussà have imagined the events that took place in ancient times, or in the more recent past. Fantasy or simply peculiar acts and also traditions and religious beliefs, all featuring sacred and enchanted images, devils, minairons, moors, serpents and other mythical characters from the Pyrenean valleys.

Pep Coll is also the author of the book El segle de la llum, a novel inspired by a part of the history of the Valley, in particular, its hidroelectrical history.

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